InPhilosophy TodaybyPedro BarbalhoThe Philosophy of Gottlob Frege: Concepts and FunctionsThe Intersection of Logic and Mathematics in His 1891 LectureSep 2, 20248Sep 2, 20248
InCantor’s ParadisebyPedro BarbalhoThe Third Man Problem and The Mud ProblemHow you can prove your team is numerically complete?Sep 12, 20242Sep 12, 20242
InPhilosophy TodaybyPedro BarbalhoIs Relativization of Facts Possible?Choosing the Facts You Want Is Not Enough to Avoid Looking at the Whole PictureSep 17, 202410Sep 17, 202410
InCantor’s ParadisebyPedro BarbalhoThe Most Pessimistic Article on Set Theory I Ever ReadIt concludes that there is no truth, no consistency, no real entities, nor anything remotely real within set theory.Mar 30, 202420Mar 30, 202420
InCantor’s ParadisebyPedro BarbalhoWittgenstein’s Activities During World War IA prodigy intellectual among the bullets.May 2, 20243May 2, 20243
InOriginal PhilosophybyPedro BarbalhoThree Hard-to-Notice FallaciesSlippery slope, appeal to ignorance and false causality.May 9, 202411May 9, 202411
InCantor’s ParadisebyPedro BarbalhoWhen Can We Expect a Paradox?You simply can’t make certain moves without encountering paradoxes.Jul 23, 20248Jul 23, 20248
InCantor’s ParadisebyPedro BarbalhoWittgenstein’s Beetle and the Foundation of MathematicsIs there any connection between his philosophy of language and his philosophy of mathematics?Jul 24, 202413Jul 24, 202413
InPhilosophy TodaybyPedro BarbalhoWhy Poincaré Called Russell a HydraOne of the many heads of a both logicist and formalist HydraJul 30, 20246Jul 30, 20246
InPhilosophy TodaybyPedro BarbalhoThree Classical Principles of LogicAnd some of the risks involved in assuming them.Aug 12, 202413Aug 12, 202413
InCantor’s ParadisebyPedro BarbalhoModern and Medieval Principles of LogicAnd some of the risks in assuming them.Aug 19, 20246Aug 19, 20246
InOriginal PhilosophybyPedro BarbalhoNot All Contradictions Invalidate An ArgumentTwo examples in favor of dialetheism, and two false paradoxes.Mar 1, 20233Mar 1, 20233
InOriginal PhilosophybyPedro BarbalhoWhat is Dialetheism?The philosophical position that asserts the existence of true contradictions or “dialetheias.”Apr 6, 20233Apr 6, 20233
InCantor’s ParadisebyPedro BarbalhoAn Introduction to the Foundations of MathematicsWhat is a dot? What is a number? What is an intersection?Jul 30, 20232Jul 30, 20232
InCantor’s ParadisebyPedro BarbalhoInfinity is Never a Solution. It’s a ProblemAn introduction to Norman Wildeberger’s lecture on finitism and infinitism in mathematics.Sep 7, 20234Sep 7, 20234
InCantor’s ParadisebyPedro BarbalhoA Silent Battle For PeaceStruggling with paradoxes, infinity and the absurd itself.Oct 22, 20235Oct 22, 20235
InOriginal PhilosophybyPedro BarbalhoA Philosophical Proof for “1 + 1 = 2”Or how numbers are even possible from a philosophical point of view.Jan 20, 20232Jan 20, 20232
InOriginal PhilosophybyPedro BarbalhoThe Foundational Importance of The Number 2Knowledge is only possible when we reach the number 2.Jan 16, 20233Jan 16, 20233
InCantor’s ParadisebyPedro BarbalhoIncomplete In What Sense?Mutable and immutable systems, and the differences between Platonic completeness and pragmatic completeness.Dec 8, 20223Dec 8, 20223
InCantor’s ParadisebyPedro BarbalhoFrege’s Concept of Natural NumbersA very brief introduction to Frege’s philosophy of mathematics.Sep 8, 20211Sep 8, 20211